Please help a cat or a kitten by joining Cat Care's

Cat Care
Rangiora's local cat rescue!
Fostering a cat or kitten can be a real joy and very rewarding. All you need is time, patience and a love of our feline friends.
The cats and kittens offered for fostering can come from a range of environments - social, friendly and healthy through to stray, abandoned and neglected. Age is usually from 4-10 weeks, although we do take in kittens and cats of all ages with non-de-sexed youngsters of between 5 and 6 months old being the most prevalent.
Your primary responsibility will be to ensure your fosters are kept well fed, clean and putting in time to ensure good socialisation by giving them exposure to everyday experiences around the home, including engagement other pets and children if you have them. If you are asked to foster a long haired cat, daily grooming is a requirement. Then there's the boring bit - the dreaded paperwork! This includes keeping records of worming, flea treatments, vaccinations, de-sexing and other veterinary visits as well as the paperwork on adoption.
You will need a safe, secure place to keep your fosters without them being able to escape but they will need space to explore and fulfil their exercise requirements.
We will supply you with everything your foster feline requires.
As we don't have a shelter, all our re-homings are conducted directly between the foster parent and the adopting family. You will need to be prepared to have potential adopters come to your home to meet your cat/kitten and also spend a little time with them to establish that the feline and potential home is a good match for all parties.
Our foster parents are vital to what we do and without them we simply couldn't operate and as the supply of stray and abandoned cats and kittens never diminishes, we are always looking for more billets for our inmates.
If you think you can offer your time and open your home to a foster cat or kitten(s), as a first step please contact the Cat Care office on 03 313 3851 or 021 149 9903. We'll arrange one of the Cat Care team to organise a mutually convenient time to meet with you to further discuss fostering for us.
We look forward to hearing from you - and if you ultimately decide that fostering isn't for you, no pressure and thanks for considering it!